Olympic blogging

by Yule Heibel on July 5, 2003

Vancouver is going to host the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. That’s another really good topic to blog on, particularly by people close to developments in government (here, in Victoria) and in the city of Vancouver, in Whistler, in the highways department (Sea to Sky). Keep track of what the planners tell us, cozy up to people who work on this, find out if overspending is happening, link up with bloggers in other “Olympic” cities, and tell the truth about Olympic fever as it happens. Get a view of “yeah” and “nay” up-close, with full disclosure.


Goyo July 13, 2003 at 2:07 am


It’s a complete scandal that the Green Party’s Adrienne Carr and the Unity
Party’s Chris Delaney can’t get their anti-Olympic act together…As for
the NDP, the two ladies left carrying the flag of socilalism seemed
resigned to all the good jobs the union guys will get from this huge racket…
I almost despair of a province that is run by a convicted criminal who
pretends he is a fiscal conservative, who in fact in a big-time Liberal
corproatist, just like the Liberals in Ottawa….criminal corporatists…


Yule Heibel July 13, 2003 at 12:38 pm

Well, focus your blog on it! (Blogvalue, see my response to Betsy comment re. A. Coulter.) It’s amazing what you can find out and act on via blogs. (And btw, why didn’t you tell me about David Jure’s new project?)

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