Margaret Thatcher was a Girl Scout compared to this l’il viper

by Yule Heibel on July 9, 2003

Chris Locke, whose blog Rageboy I’ve lurked around recently, yesterday posted a great in-your-face entry contrasting and comparing New Age Narcissists to Old Aged Bloggers. Check it out, it’s the July 8th entry. Of course I immediately narcissistically pondered myself, wondering whether I was a narcissist or a blogger… but decided that was just a stupid waste of energy after seeing today’s entry on Dawn’s sparklin weblog. Forget worrying (narcissistically) about yourself: you want something to worry about, look at the website of Ann Coulter, right-wing pundit and author, in particular the pages she has devoted to images of herself. She scares me a lot more than any teenage wiccan or crystal peddlar ever could. Narcissism isn’t restricted to New Agers: Ann Coulter’s one-woman right-wing rodeo makes sure that fans — actual and especially potential — will get narcissistically sucked in by this “wouldn’t you love to be her” blonde. While Ann Coulter is advocating for Joe McCarthy, consider this article in The Toronto Star (via the Washington Post) about Sean Gorman’s PhD dissertation. Mr. Gorman wrote a “dull,” “tedious and unimportant” dissertation about the information highway(s) and the nerve links connecting businesses. After 9/11, however, it turned into the kind of dynamite that has officialdom blowing to the 1930s: Richard Clarke, who lately was the White House cyber-terrorism chief, said of Gorman that “[he] should turn it in to his professor, get his grade — and then they both should burn it.” Oh yeah, a great big pile of burning books.


RageBoy July 10, 2003 at 4:43 pm

I suspect you’re right about Ann Coulter. That picture gallery is something else. “Look at me! Look at me!” (yeah, yeah, I know: takes one to know one.) -RB

Yule Heibel July 10, 2003 at 5:00 pm

She is the perfect Barbie Doll, isn’t she? Looking so beautifully perfect, how could she be wrong? Brrr!

Betsy Burke July 13, 2003 at 5:31 am

I hadn’t heard of AC. She is one scary broad.

Yule Heibel July 13, 2003 at 12:36 pm

Isn’t she though? She made it into Time magazine, which is mainstream and bigtime, but I still wouldn’t have heard of her either if it hadn’t been for Dawn’s sparklin weblog. Blogvalue!

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