Chris Locke asks everyone of good will (and without smarmy new age monetary aspirations) to send a prayer Ann Craig’s way. Give it a try. Had a longer post yesterday, but lost it on a borrowed machine, the iBook is still kaput. It was trivial, though: all about unearthing LPs after we found the pre-amp & record player, packed away since our move into this house last November. Woke up this morning from a bad dream about 400 coins, which I think were the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, times 100 (we live in a nuclear age, right?). I usually never dream stuff like this, can’t imagine where it came from except from listening to too much of The The‘s Soul Mining and other 80s Brit pop/punk last night. Not that they sing about coins or horsemen, it’s all a porridge of despair with them, which is what made them so cool in the decade of battleship shoulder pads.
Electric karma
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