Or: how to get in deeper. Interesting article in today’s Toronto Star, Why U.N. is a target; Tuesday’s bombing of civilian aid workers in Baghdad signals a dramatic escalation, by Lynda Hurst. Lots of detail and background. She quotes Maurice Strong, a Canadian businessman who has in the past acted as a special for the U.N. Secretary-General: “Iraq was not a terrorist threat before the war, Strong pointedly notes, ‘but the U.S. has now made it a centre of terrorism. There’s the paradox.’“ Advisors in Washington, meanwhile, recommend committing more troops, according to “the model” of previous campaigns, viz. Afghanistan. Makes you wonder.
“Forget if it’s working or not, the model is good.”
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I’m sure that even Sadam has signed up with Al Quaeda now.
I think all the women in the entire region should be allowed to emigrate, and the men can have the game all to themselves.
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