A wabbit, a wabbit!

by Yule Heibel on October 8, 2003

If you commented here recently and I haven’t replied, I plan to get to it today — one or two new friends to read, say something back, and so on. Just a little later in the day, though. Right now I’ve cotton balls for brains.


jr October 10, 2003 at 9:28 am

Man I loved that cartoon. Of course the Barber of Seville was even better.

Kill the wabbit, Kill the wabbit.

I’m still trying to figure out why I want to be like Bugs Bunny but identify more with Elmer Fudd

Yule Heibel October 11, 2003 at 2:58 am

Because Bugs Bunny plays anarchically, but Elmer Fudd acts with rational ends in mind? You know the bunny will eventually be run over by a car, while Fudd returns to his comfortable home and his predictable dinner, even though the cartoons suggest otherwise. 😉

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