
by Yule Heibel on October 23, 2003

File this under “I’m getting crabby as the evening wears on”:
Study finds that good looking profs get better student evaluations than bow-wow looking ones do. Doh. Once again empirical sociology proves beyond a doubt that life is totally predictable. I suggest handing out bags of balloons and pots of paint with every evaluation form given to students. That way they can spontaneously decide whether to do anything creative by way of evaluation….

Of course herein we also have a possible answer to the question, why do we appear to be living in an age of narcissism? Because it pays.


Stu Savory October 27, 2003 at 3:47 am

You wrote:
why do we appear to be living in an age of narcissism? Because it pays.

Not true; ask Rageboy!

Stu Savory

Yule Heibel October 27, 2003 at 5:46 pm

It’s only not true if you believe that RB is indeed a narcissist. I’m not convinced. He agonizes (sometimes endlessly ad nauseum) over other narcissists, but is he one? Or does he just see the sickness clearly? Anyway, I’ll retreat to the stand-by excuse of exceptions proving the rule, heh-heh. And not every narcissist is going to get rich, even if there is a pay-off somewhere, somehow along the way for him or her! 😉

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