Recent additions

by Yule Heibel on November 18, 2003

I’d like to alert readers to some blogroll additions. Yesterday I added Maria Benet of Alembic — highly recommended, go read her. I also pointed to Katy’s I am eating my husband’s soul, whose humour is in the tradition of Alfred Jarry‘s Pere Ubu creations (meaning: truly absurd and completely anti-social), and I’ve added her to the blogroll because I believe in keeping people confused (I mean, does it make sense to have Katy and …ooh, Netfuture on the same list? No? Good!), and a mystery blog, Fundelupa, about whose author I know nothing except that s/he probably knows Hungarian, which is highly recommendable all in itself. The only Hungarian I know is, roughly phonetically, “Czokol megga tseggum, te mayum,” which, as I said is reeee-aaly phonetic, but was told in 1975 or so (before you were born, before I was born, in fact) means, “Kiss my ass, you monkey.” Which is not what I want to say to Fundelupa, I’m just trying to impress him/her with my international linguistic skill. Bwahaha. (That’s French for heeheehee.) Fundelupa has very cool links, to newsitems about Tholos in London and Vienna, and similar stuff. Hip.


maria November 19, 2003 at 8:16 pm

Thanks for adding me to your blogroll — I have reciprocated, by adding your blog to my roll. Thanks to Shelley’s willingness to tackle those big subjects, a lot more people are discovering all sorts of new connections. It was through Shelley that I found your blog, and have been enjoying reading it since.

By the way, your phonetic rendering of that Hungarian invitation to escalate the confrontation is pretty close to the real thing … though I have to admit that I haven’t spoken Hungarian since … well, longer than since 1975.

Yule Heibel November 19, 2003 at 9:01 pm

Oh my, you’re Hungarian? That’s cool! And thanks for putting me on your blogroll, too — I’ll stop in often!

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