The glamorous blogging life…

by Yule Heibel on December 14, 2003

And because I’ve been having such a …lovely … weekend and all its …lovely days leading up to it have been so engrossing, I forgot to mention that Bruce at The River put together a bloggers’ awards list, and I …uh, won the best 2003 infusion of intellect award. Ha! That makes me The Ice Maiden, so don’t mess with me! Seriously, though, that was way-cool and I appreciate it totally. Thank you, Masked Bruce.

But now reality beckons. It’s midnight, it’s Saturday night, and I just, literally just, realised that I forgot to clean up the kitchen, as did everyone else, who have conveniently disappeared under various covers. Maybe I can go and infuse it with some nitroglycerine…. Or just forget about it?


Doug Alder December 14, 2003 at 2:29 pm

Hey congrats! I’ll certainly go along with Bruce’s assement.

jr December 14, 2003 at 3:55 pm

Or you could blog about the existential nature of dirty dishes and why is it only women can see them! Congratulations on your award. Will you be wearing your Mink stole to the ceremonies?

Yule Heibel December 14, 2003 at 4:17 pm

Thanks Noded JR and Doug-“Never Know What to Expect”-Dynamo. Actually, thanks need to go to Bruce, so go read his blog! Of course, what I really want to have awarded is a housekeeper, a yardkeeper, grocery delivery service, cook, in-house laundry service… Scullery maid…ah, I’d especially like that. It has such a Cinderella ring about it, you might even get to meet fairy godmothers if you had one… Well, excuse me, I have to go polish the grand piano…

Joel December 15, 2003 at 6:48 pm


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