Not if, but when do we get the big one

by Yule Heibel on December 22, 2003

Ironically — and frighteningly — the Oakland Tribune ran this article, Monster quake could hit Pacific Northwest, about 8 hours before today’s severe 6.5 earthquake hit Central California. My husband was on a conference call to colleagues when it happened — suddenly they said, “We have to cut this call short since we have to evacuate the building quickly.” Up here in the Northwest we haven’t had anything big for a long time — in fact, I have no idea when we last had a real earthquake here — but this article in the Oakland Tribune is anything but reassuring regarding the consequences (especially for Seattle) if or when we do get one. I wonder how much solid granite is under my house? Lots, I hope: the thought of liquified earth gives me the creeps…

I hope all my friends in California are all right. Perhaps it’s a good thing if you’re getting these small-to-severe quakes that nonetheless still leave you standing. I gather it means the plates are releasing without building up pressure to the point where a release would get you a 9-point-something quake, which is why it’s sometimes a bit scary that things have been so steady around here. Well, we’ve all been warned, but we listen selectively because we really like it here and want to live in Lotusland, regardless.


Joel December 22, 2003 at 11:15 pm

Last week, to demonstrate how easy it was to become a “credible” paranormal predictor, I said to my wife: “Within the next seven days, there will be a seismic event of 6.0 or greater magnitude” somewhere in the world.

Unfortunately, I did not publish my prediction on my site, but I will say that there will be another such event within seven days of this prediction somewhere in the world.

Joel December 22, 2003 at 11:15 pm

P.S. We’re fine. We didn’t even feel it.

Yule Heibel December 23, 2003 at 12:03 am

Glad to hear you’re ok, Joel. I sure hope your prediction for the next event turns out not to happen in densely populated areas with old infrastructure. Maybe an earthquake on Antarctica?

Stu Savory December 23, 2003 at 2:00 am

When Old Faithful REALLY blows . . .
. . . the Dept. of Homeland Severity will probably claim ’twere terrorists 🙁

maria December 23, 2003 at 2:29 pm

I didn’t even know about it until I turned on the TV to wtch the evening news….

Jones January 3, 2004 at 2:45 am

Once you’ve been through enough quakes you don’t even pay attention to them anymore.

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