Elizabeth Fischer and Dark Blue World

by Yule Heibel on April 19, 2004

If you’re in Vancouver or the Lower Mainland, you have a great opportunity to see Elizabeth Fischer and her new band Dark Blue World this Wednesday night, April 21st at 9pm. They’re playing at the Anza Club, at 8th and Ontario. See poster for details. Elizabeth made that cool poster, by the way: she can make music, she can write, she can draw and paint, too! It expresses a certain Zeitgeist quite well, don’t you think? If you can’t go to the Anza Club, you can still listen here.


Joel April 20, 2004 at 4:16 am

That poor doggie looks like he’s suffering mightily.

Yule Heibel April 20, 2004 at 9:15 pm

Eh-oh, this tellytubby is going to have to say “no pathetic fallacies,” eh-oh! 😉

Joel April 21, 2004 at 6:03 am

A dog is hardly a material object….unless you are speaking of the poster. 🙂

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