Not just any old white bread…

by Yule Heibel on January 3, 2005

Elaine is on a roll — go read now: there’s this entry on the religious (in)significance of the Indian Ocean disaster; another that celebrates feedback and ends with an interesting commentary on the “Sandwich Generation”; and her most recent entry, referring to Norm Jensen‘s blog which includes a clip for this, aka GW blooping live.


Kate S. January 4, 2005 at 4:44 pm

I adore Elaine. She was the very first one (the only one) to slap me upside the head and say “What the hell are you waiting for? Go get a blog and just do it!” And so I did.
I firmly believe that if she ever dies, she’s going to come back as one of the Seven Muses. Well, after (you know,) first kicking the ass of one of the reigning muses, kicking the ether out of her, out of heaven, like that Lucifer fellow, only rougher. It’ll be awesome.

Yule Heibel January 5, 2005 at 1:05 am

Yes, she’s pretty amazing. I don’t know, though: you think she’d only kick one muse out? Or maybe she’ll just change the count, go from 7 to 8?

Kate S. January 8, 2005 at 3:26 pm

Yes, for her, I do believe they would make an exception and grant her honorary status as Muse Laureate, which she’d probably be okay with.

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