A test for Mandarin Meg

by Yule Heibel on March 5, 2005

hack this code
hack this code

Wowie! Meg at Mandarin Design posted a code the other day which had several other bloggers testing it out. I tried it, too, and it didn’t work, but then Gary at TFS Reluctant did some customising, and lo!, it works here, too.

I’ve never linked to Meg’s fantastic design blog before, mainly because I admire from a distance but feel unable to use her glorious combination of style and geekishness in my little prefab space. It’s sort of like putting a Louis XVI chaise or a real Eames chair in a dinky little stucco bungalow! But this was fun. Check out Mandarin Design for dozens of other stylish ideas…


meg March 5, 2005 at 11:13 pm

Thanks for playing along Yule. It looks great from here. I think we nearly have enough posts to start trying to figure out where it works and why it works in one place and not another.

Thanks for the compliment about Mandarin. It feels like Mandarin is a stucco bungalow with too much paint and a little wood siding added in the wrong places.

Off to read your Blog.

Yule Heibel March 6, 2005 at 12:09 am

Wood siding in the wrong places? I don’t think so! The Magazine Style entry just blew me away, as did the “quilt” you did a year or so ago.

Ok, must sign off, just came back from a choir concert, and my brain
feels melted away… I tried chewing my head off to obliterate the
noises I was hearing from the stage, but it didn’t work… 
Repertoire drove me crazy…

RageBoy March 6, 2005 at 1:48 am

how do I say “hey, I started this!” without sounding proprietary and unbloggnified? but, hey, I did, goddammit.

Yule Heibel March 7, 2005 at 2:39 am

It’s true, Chris, you did start this. I don’t think you need to worry about sounding unbloggnified!

RageBoy March 7, 2005 at 2:38 pm

well thanks, though I do feel a bit stupid for writing that. btw, I did go back and check out that book on How to Write the New Age Novel, but it was just generic drivel. Nowhere as juicy as the LeHaye-Jenkins thing you found. More’s the pity.

Gary Williams March 11, 2005 at 8:25 pm

You made it work very well — congratulations! And I’ve added you to my Mandarin’s Friends links.

Yule Heibel March 12, 2005 at 1:18 am

Gary — there wasn’t much I had to do to get it to work, the code was fine and it meshed wonderfully with the software I’m using. I can’t take any of the credit! And yeah, I noticed that you linked me, and will reciprocate once I clear some time for the big push, i.e., trying to get my blogroll back on my front page, albeit at the bottom of the sidebar. Just give me some time, I move slowly. I am, like, SO last century….

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