The “We’re Not Afraid” Photo-Sharing Site

by Yule Heibel on July 8, 2005

Came across this interesting site today: We’re Not Afraid, where “just folks” can post their photos to show solidarity with Londoners after Thursday’s terror attacks (via the Spiegel). Many of the pictures also emphasise defiance, and they all have a lot of attitude. There are smiling babies proclaiming that they’re not afraid, there are tough-looking dudes saying “no fear,” there are maps of international subway stations defiantly stating “we’re not afraid.” Many pictures show that people are really pissed off, many show that people also understand that it’s no good to let terrorism (wherever it comes from) get you down (and the pissed-off ones and the understanding ones typically overlap, too).

I really liked this picture (from


Shelley July 9, 2005 at 5:20 pm

The concept sounds good, but is quickly failing into rants and an excuse to bicker and quarrel.

I’m afraid that sites like this fuel the terrorists, like the latent heat of the ocean fuels a hurricane. People getting on the buses and the subways and going into work in London yesterday, now that sends a message.

But this is a good one. And so far, no negative comments with this one.

Yule Heibel July 12, 2005 at 5:29 pm

I didn’t check the comments on any of the pictures,so don’t know whether/ how they generated the usual nastiness. Some of the pictures were belligerent, but most were sweet, or quiet and hopeful, which seemed to me as much a show of resilience as getting back on the bus the next day.

Anonymous September 16, 2005 at 9:25 am

Realy good site!

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