Victoria Independent Film & Video Festival

by Yule Heibel on January 7, 2007

The 13th annual Victoria Independent Film & Video Festival (VIFVF) runs this year from Feb.2-11. The organisers put the “My Victoria” short entries on YouTube. Of the 3 or 4 I’ve watched, I really liked Rachel Smyth’s ironically titled “My Victoria?” (Click the title to go straight to the video on YouTube.) This little movie has a story, it plays with being slightly obnoxious (the two teenage boys, chasing “Victoria,” each thinking that she is theirs — hence the question mark, perhaps), and has a surprise ending, too. Plus, you get some of the city’s tourist beauty spots, as well as easily identifiable shops (A&B Sound’s rabbit-warren-ry store exterior, with its “entrance” and “exit” doors is practically a co-star) and other mundane views. Nice work.


maria January 7, 2007 at 10:37 pm

Hah… that was cute! But I had an inkling of how it was going to wind down.

yulelog January 9, 2007 at 2:04 am

I’m glad you liked it, Maria, with or without inkling! I haven’t had a chance to see many of the others (only perhaps 3 others), but I have to say this one was appealing because it told a story, all within the 2 minute (or whatever it is) framework. Some of the others are a bit too “ad”-like, informed by “edgy” cuts and all that, but without what’s needed: a simple little story, just to show us that we are still somehow all on the same page and not off in a million solipsistic individualistic and relativistic universes…!

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