After I learned that FastCompany had accepted my reader-submitted nomination of Victoria as a “fast city,” I tried to let as many people as possible know about this so that they could go and rank the city. I poked friends on Facebook, I scribbled on their walls, I sent emails to people at the Chamber of Commerce and at other business organizations. And I sent email to city councillors and staff. I heard back from one person. Clearly, more people than that clicked through and ranked and/or commented on Victoria. But the lack of response to my attempts to beat the drum for this made me feel really sad. I’m heartened by the response from the tech community here — most of the comments are from that sector. But the mentality suggested by a cautious withdrawal from celebratory spirit? Let’s just say that is not fast. It’s so not fast.
And so the response / lack of response has become another benchmark for me. Climates of trust are built on response and responsiveness.
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