Daily Diigo Public Link 01/02/2008

by Yule Heibel on January 1, 2008

Amalgamation: 10 years later (Toronto Star) Annotated

Report by Royson James on 10th anniversary of Toronto’s amalgation — more negative (generally) than Christopher Hume’s article (also in today’s TorStar), but also full of useful info re. downloading by Province.

Megacity politics in shambles 10 years later (Toronto Star) Annotated

Commentary (one of several in today’s Toronto Star) by Christopher Hume on the 10th anniversary of Toronto’s amalgamation. Hume has previously written cogently on the problems municipal infrastructure funding in Canada, and while it doesn’t come up in this article, I get the impression that he doesn’t want to join in fully with the chorus of complainers who moan about the evils that amalgamation has wrought. The key sentence, I think, is “We have gone to great lengths to empower the local at the cost of the civic,” and *that* is something totally applicable to (as of yet) un-amalgamated Victoria.

CEOS for Cities – Conversations – CEO Blog – Travel Wishes for 2008 Annotated

“Ban further luxury hotel development until they can find enough capable people to staff them.” That’s a suggestion from Monocle’s Travel Wishes for 2008/09 (via CEOs for Cities) — and it’s great. Here’s CEOs for Cities further comment: “How can you have ‘luxury’ hotels without workers who can deliver a ‘luxury’ experience? If people are willing to pay more for luxury experiences, shouldn’t some of the benefits accrue to workers equipped to deliver those experiences?” A carpenter once told me, “if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys,” and monkeys aren’t going to be able to build you a quality product. If you call yourself a “luxury” outfit, make sure you’re not trying to get by on peanut payrolls.

City softens to the sharp edges (Toronto Star) Annotated

A second article by Christopher Hume on Toronto’s changed skyline and streetscapes, particularly as manifested by Libeskind’s ROM addition.

How to make a New Year’s resolution that you’ll keep » Brazen Careerist by Penelope Trunk

I almost always find Penelope Trunk’s posts thought-provoking, interesting, worth reading, and all that. But this one is especially good. She nails the difficulties with New Year’s resolutions and why they usually don’t work. Not that this should stop anyone, of course… 🙂

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