But Who’s Counting? (MIT Technology Review)
Konrad Feldman, a cofounder of San Francisco–based startup Quantcast, sees big business in audience measurement.
No one really knows how many people visit websites – the measuring tools aren’t available, but Quantcast and Google aim to change that. -
Toward a New Housing System – Creative Class » Blog Archive »
The only way toward long-run and sustainable recovery is a dramatic change in where and how we live. What ultimately got us out of the Long Depression of the late 19th century and the Great Depression of the 1930s wasn’t just new technology, or creative destruction, or government spending, it was a phase-shift in the way we live – in our economic geography. The recovery after the Long Depression took shape around the rise of the industrial city and its streetcar suburbs. The recovery after the Great Depression was powered by suburbanization. We need a massive shift not just in our infrastructure but in our housing system.
Forget Micropayments — Here’s a Far Better Idea for Monetizing Content
The Atlantic Online | March 2009 | How the Crash Will Reshape America | Richard Florida
Richard Florida on how the financial crash will affect specific geographical locales and cities in the US / in North America. On NYC, he notes that its diversified economy – even though it’s home to Wall Street, which may well be moribund if not dead already – will see the city through the worst of it.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.