David Byrne Journal: 03.07.09: Good Investments and Bad Investments – Annotated
Scroll down to see the part I bookmarked this article for (“We Live in a Virtual World”). Amazing image comparison, great commentary by David Byrne. The Redbook cover (with its perfected, photoshopped woman), compared to the original photo of the “plainer” model is amazing because it shows how it’s the accretion of *detail* that makes for the overall effect – which cuts both ways, insofar as it makes the model more “perfect” and beautiful, and insofar as it’s more pernicious. There’s no One Big Thing you can point to that’s wrong with the “improved” version. It’s in the aggregate, which takes on an insupportable weight.
The Future of Our Cities: Open, Crowdsourced, and Participatory – O’Reilly Radar
Taking the example of closed thinking at New York City MTA, John Geraci makes a compelling case for crowd-sourcing improvements in urban affairs and urban matters (including public transportation). Great article.
affordable green housing (podcast.mov (video/quicktime Object))
Excellent short film about biophilia and how to make sure it’s satisfied in urban environments, with specific reference to one project by developer Jonathan Rose (of Jonathan Rose Companies).
Archives & Museum Informatics: Museums and the Web 2009 (MW2009): Speakers
“MW2009 features speakers from around the world, presenting their latest work and research findings. Proposals have been peer-reviewed by an international Program Committee in a very competitive process. Selected authors should consult the Information for Authors.”
Curators in Context dot CA is “art curators talk about curating.” Page links to individual presentations. (Text and audio)
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.