The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What’s Next – ReadWriteWeb
So, here’s a summary. The father of the best web email program on the planet believes that a real-time streaming interface for simplified aggregation of conversation and content from all around the web is going to join the handful of tools we use regularly, like email, IM and blogging.
Kenneth Lerer: How We Got Here and How We Get Out of Here
Transcript of Kenneth Lerer’s speech at the Columbia Journalism School Annual New Media Lecture Series, April 23, 2009.
A lot of what we’re seeing online today is actually a return, full circle, to the way things were when American newspapers began; a mixture of advocacy and investigative in-your-face journalism. There is a long and distinguished history of such newspapers — from the papers that were fiercely loyal to Jefferson or Hamilton, to the abolitionist broadsheets, to the activist newspapers at the turn of the century. As my partner Arianna Huffington says, the mission of journalism has always been “truth-seeking, not striking some fictitious balance between two sides.”
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.