I’ve really been slacking off on the blog posts – lots of turmoil and indecision happening on the personal front at present. I’m also consumed by what my city council is plotting to pull over Victoria taxpayers, and have been working with our little group to raise awareness. We have a website, JohnsonStreetBridge.ORG, which I’ve written about before. Yesterday I posted Space is scarce: self-explaining roads needed to the site – check it out.
For those of us who live and pay taxes here in Victoria BC, I really recommend Ross Crockford‘s blog post to our Johnson Street Bridge site, also posted yesterday: City of Victoria updates timeline on Johnson Street Bridge. The opening paragraph should get your attention:
At its next Council meeting, on Thursday, August 27th, the City of Victoria will introduce a bylaw to borrow $63-million to finance the replacement of the Johnson Street Bridge.
The Council meetings, incidentally, are the evening ones that start at 7:30 (be there by 7:00pm though to grab a good seat) and where the public can speak.
In completely unrelated matters, I’ve felt lackluster about blogging here because I feel adrift on several non-public matters, and then on top of it all, I injured my right shoulder this week. Just woke up on Tuesday with this awful pain – a classic sleep injury, I supposed, but it’s not going away. And it’s the second time in about 10 days that this happened – the first time it went away after a day (or so I thought, but it seems to have lurked instead). It hurts a lot to inhale – what a drag. Went to acupuncture yesterday, which helped; saw the doctor today (she had no specific diagnosis); got three x-rays, too (they look fine); and am going to try a chiropractor this afternoon. Meh.