How to Find the Treasure in Your Archives | Confident Writing
Great article on finding what’s valuable in your blog archives – and presenting it so that readers can find it.
80 Ways to Steal Valuable Minutes for Your Work Day : Lifestyle :: American Express OPEN Forum
Uh-oh, there’s far too much good advice on this page, things I should take to heart to help me stop frittering my days away…
Spice Up Your Dates with Technology – Oprah.com
Alexandra Samuel writes about using mobile technology (iPhone, specifically) to enliven and enrich romantic relationships, even long-standing marriages. She puts quite a sweet human face on technology devices that are often maligned as intimacy killers. Au contraire, as readers of her article discover.
Our delight at diving into the soup of online knowledge turns the Web and the world into our marital playground, never more so than on date night. If you still think date night means dinner and movie, or if the very concept of date night has been lost to the challenge of leaving work or finding a babysitter, it’s time to take a look at how the social Web can help you rediscover the joy (not to mention relationship-saving importance) of spending a night out with your sweetie.
What Next: Skyscrapers – WSJ.com
Interesting interview with Kenneth Yeang on building green skyscrapers & cities.
The industry must revolutionize the entire building cycle, says Mr. Yeang, “from the extraction of materials to make the building material…to [their] transportation, storage and delivery, to the design, construction and assembly of the building, to the…transportation and movement of people to and from the building.” The goal is to build structures that not only have a minimal impact on the natural environment but also benefit the ecology of the site and the world’s climate.
How Placemaking Generates Lasting Prosperity | Project for Public Spaces (PPS)
Placemaking makes the case for economic robustness. Great profile of Vancouver’s Granville Island, too.
…cities first emerged because people gathered together at crossroads, creating busy, vibrant places to exchange goods and ideas. Cities grew out of commerce. The same holds true today. Cities need great places that provide the settings for these kinds of interactions. This is what businesses seek. They want places that are attractive to employees, places where connections can happen, where productivity and creativity increase and where the professional networks foster collaboration and innovation.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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