Creating Online Tools for Creatives (Technology Review: Videos)
On Aviary, by Avi:
At his startup’s headquarters in New York, Avi Muchnick, a 2010 TR35 member, explains where the inspiration for his online multimedia editing suite, Aviary, came from, and how people can use it to share work.
Larry D. Rosen: LibraryThing Author Interview
Via LibraryThing, a podcast with Larry Rosen.
Dr. Larry Rosen’s new book Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn looks at how technologies available to children today (the iGeneration) are affecting the ways they best learn. He observes children texting during class, studies the technologies they’re using on their own time and applies his observations (and clinical research) to suggestions for educators and parents for how to engage students.
“Everybody multitasks”…
“…a generation that self-interrupts a lot”… -
The new Campaign Monitor office – Blog – Campaign Monitor
Amazing new office space, and a meaty post on “Why private offices beat open plan”:
For us, private offices were non-negotiable. Over the years we’ve had fully open plan, only offices and a combination of both. In my experience, closable offices for each team member are by far the best configuration for a software company.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.