Dockside Green in Victoria, British Columbia : UnSprawl Case Study : Terrain.org
Another article about Dockside Green (by Ken Pirie), but this one is really quite good: it covers Victoria’s history, how the city turned to tourism, the problems of dealing with brownfields/ polluted lands, and how Dockside Green fits into this picture as an example of “unsprawling.”
Terrain.org: A Journal of the Built & Natural Environments : Issue No. 25 : Virtually There
Interesting (online & print) magazine about “the Built & Natural Environments” and where they intersect to create “soul.” This particular issue (Nr. 25, Spring//Summer 2010) features an article about Victoria BC’s Dockside Green development:
http://terrain.org/unsprawl/25/ -
How to Stay Productive Working from Coffee Shops (or Anywhere Out of the Office)
Great article (self-explanatory title) by Kevin Purdy on lifehacker.
Hemp as “cob-house 2.0”? Too bad it’s illegal to grow industrial quality hemp in the US…
The industrial hemp used in Hemcrete (the same species as marijuana, but with far less of the narcotic THC) is currently sourced from England, where it can be grown legally, but Tom Glab of American Lime Technology told me that they are working to find a source in Canada, where industrial hemp is also legal.
UNQUOTEClick through to the article for photos of a beautiful house in Asheville NC built with Hemcrete (at $133 per square foot, the house is a bargain).
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.