The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

by Yule Heibel on November 18, 2012

  • Fantastic visuals (maps) and great analysis of why it was inevitable that the Republicans lost in cities (aside from the fact that they openly mock all urban agendas):
    In a good piece on the GOP’s problem with geography earlier this week, The New Republic’s Lydia DePillis interviewed Princeton Historian Kevin Kruse, who made this point succinctly: “There are certain things in which the physical nature of a city, the fact the people are piled on top of each other, requires some notion of the public good,” he said. “Conservative ideology works beautifully in the suburbs, because it makes sense spatially.”

    tags: usa politics republicans density cities urbanism maps visuals

  • My Nov. 2012 article for North Shore Art Throb
    What Pride Parades and an attitude of celebrating tolerant communities can do, as so many groups and individuals here attest, is make it possible for people to act from a position of strength. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or activist, a climate of safety versus debilitating danger is essential to moving forward, fostering resilience and contributing to the whole community.

    Resilience is buoyancy: without it, we can’t bounce back from adversity. And like love, it’s what the world needs now.

    tags: yule art_throb lgbt tolerance resilience salem

  • Who would have guessed? (Who wouldn’t have!)
    …now there’s another reason to rethink that stable but meaningless job versus a more meaningful job, life path, or vocation: it appears that a sense that your life has purpose, and that what you do matters, may actually protect your brain from the clinical effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

    tags: atlantic_monthly alzheimer depression mental_health eudaimonia

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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