Giddy-up horsey

January 16, 2006

I wish I could say that I’ve been furiously scribbling away at some fabulous essays these past ten days, but alas, that would be an untruth. I have instead been yoked, harnessed, steeped, and stewed in various real-life (i.e., not virtual) community commitments that involved much face-to-face and even in-your-face contact spread across many late-late […]

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Maria’s brand new beaujolais

January 6, 2006

Over at Alembic, Maria has distilled her first podcast, Whinery. It’s a must-listen (so go, listen): truly a full-bodied vintage, full of surprises, depth, and layered flavours.

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That “vision” thing

January 5, 2006

Driving on an errand this morning, I managed to catch a few minutes of the CBC‘s The Current (with Anna Maria Tremonti). Her guests for today’s show were Adam Daifallah, “a former member of the National Post’s editorial board” and “the co-author of ‘Rescuing Canada’s Right’”; also, Judy Rebick of, who “holds the Sam […]

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Return of the “origin of the world”?

January 3, 2006

I heard about this: Posters designed by a group of artists are causing quite a stir in Vienna. The image of three people having sex while wearing nothing but masks of Bush, Chirac and Queen Elizabeth is proving particularly controversial. Politicians are outraged and artists have offered to withdraw the two most shocking posters. Just […]

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Notes from home

January 2, 2006

Updated, Jan.3/06 (see coda, below) Dave Pollard‘s recent (Jan.1/06) list of links for the week included this nugget by Paul Graham, Good and Bad Procrastination. At first I enjoyed reading it (it’s well-written and often funny), but in the end it really ticked me off. Graham talks about “running errands” as an avoidance tactic for […]

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A long rambling excursion to start the new year

January 1, 2006

Maria tagged me for a “four things” meme, but I just can’t bring myself to follow up on it. I did start — yesterday — but then had to blow the computer up because something got hung. I was downloading a whole bunch of Stephen Downes‘s audiocasts to my desktop (they’re MP3s), so that I […]

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All we need is love….

December 31, 2005

Michael Edwards writes in OpenDemocracy of Love, reason and the future of civil society. All life, one might say, is negotiation, and the price of entry into civil society is the willingness to change one’s mind through an encounter with the views of others. Like rocks in a stream, the sharp edges of our differences […]

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What to dump?

December 24, 2005

The asshole theme must be going around…. Frank Paynter emailed me a pointer the other day to the You’re an Asshole filmstrip, and Shelley has a philosophical entry about assholes (her maxims being “The world is full of assholes” and “sometimes you’re one of them”). In German, incidentally, Arschloch is a worse swear-word than shit […]

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Salvador Einstein, humanist on a motorcycle, c’est moi…

December 20, 2005

I took several silly quizzes. My portrait should be painted by Salvador Dali (whom I do not care for at all): Salvador Dali Salvador Dali should paint your portrait. You love to think about the world in a different way then everyone else. You are very ambitious, and you like strange things. You are curious […]

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Gingerbread Men

December 20, 2005

It’s nearly Christmas, isn’t it? The time to find solace and warmth in exotic and historically expensive spices: ginger, bark of cinnamon, mace, coriander and cumin. Coupled with warm ovens and tricks of kitchen chemistry, we can bake plenty of goodies to give mouthfeel satisfaction. The other day I observed something strange about some boys. […]

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