The Nivea ad: Is it racist? Yes, it is. And more.

August 19, 2011

An Nivea skin-care-for-men ad campaign has caused a rash. Why? It’s disturbing and it’s a multifaceted racial put-down.

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Tea Party? Sweet Potatoes are better

August 17, 2011

Some heartening signs. First: Read the article, Tea Party people less popular than many other hated minority groups (subtitled: They may want “their country” back, but their country doesn’t really want them): This tiny band of fanatics is largely distrusted and despised by regular Americans, but a terrified media coddles them and pretends they’re […]

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

August 14, 2011

The Creator Of TED Aims To Reinvent Conferences Once Again | Co. Design Symposium-style v conference-presentation-style? QUOTE Not that anyone believes the slick-presentation conference approach will go away, nor should: Wurman thinks TED and other shows will continue to be crowd-pleasers. But he sees it as a 20th century model. “What I’m trying to think […]

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

August 7, 2011

Wake up GOP: Smashing system doesn’t fix it – Great opinion piece by David Frum (a Republican). QUOTE Only about one-third of Republicans agree that cutting government spending should be the country’s top priority. Only about one-quarter of Republicans insist the budget be balanced without any tax increases. Yet that one-third and that one-quarter […]

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Colder and cloudier summers in the Pacific Northwest?

August 4, 2011

I came here for the weather. Seriously. East Coast winters (cold) and East Coast summers (Triple-H: hot hazy humid) drove me bonkers. But global warming is making me feel a bit like Rick in Casablanca: misinformed. Misinformed – you know, that great line where Louis asks Rick why he came to Casablanca, to which Rick […]

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Should downtown parking be (partly) free?

August 3, 2011

I’ve been harboring a heretical thought in the wake of spending some time in the Bay Area this June: maybe cities of a certain size do better if they make at least some free parking available for downtown shoppers. Stopping in Palo Alto often during my Bay Area visit, I finally figured out that Palo […]

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Playhouse, tiny house, innermost house

August 2, 2011

What’s the relationship between $50,000 playhouses for the children of the very rich and hand-built Tiny Houses for adults? The difference starts with what happens in your head.

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

July 31, 2011

Why Does Time Fly?: Scientific American Time perception depends… QUOTE …people accurately judge whether a dot appears on the screen for shorter, longer or the same amount of time as another dot. However, when the dot increases in size so as to appear to be moving toward the individual — i.e. the dot is “looming” […]

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

July 24, 2011

The Truth About The Economy In 2 Minutes | MoveOn.Org He’s so right. QUOTE Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said he could explain the problems with the economy in less than 2 minutes, 15 seconds—and he did it (with illustrations to boot). It’s great! Check it out. UNQUOTE tags: moveon economy robert_reich video recession Location […]

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Pixels are too uniform

July 20, 2011

I’ve been decluttering for what seems like eons now. I’m sorting through old papers, selling things off on Used Victoria, and calling tradespeople to get things done around the house. This afternoon I lifted the lid off one of those cardboard storage boxes, thinking I could tackle a boatload of old letters and postcards. Of […]

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