Vancouver has it going on

September 4, 2010

I spent the last 36 hours traveling to and from Vancouver, taking the daughter back to UBC. She volunteered to help orient incoming new students, which meant that she got to check in a day early. Nice. Very low-key move-in, no stress. The weather was fantastic – we made a reservation for the noon ferry […]

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September 2, 2010

It’s my wedding anniversary today, but since we’re busy getting ready to take the daughter back to UBC tomorrow (she volunteered to welcome new students, therefore has to be there on Friday 9/3) it’s another ordinary day (scrambling!) around here. Tomorrow I’ll be in Vancouver, though – hoping to take in some exhibits at the […]

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Connect the dots

September 1, 2010

Three articles popped up on my radar in the last few days. I got the impression there is a connection between them – all three chronicle a kind of hijacking of democracy and – dare I say it? – meritocracy in favor of expedience and will to power. Prepare to be disposable, they seem to […]

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Raining in Victoria

August 31, 2010

Went to see It’s Raining in Barcelona and came away wishing for something better. Not funny enough for comedy, but not deep or rich enough for tragedy. Really made me wonder why this theater company chose to produce this particular play: what was in it for them? The acting didn’t carry, I’m sorry to say, […]

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Continuing with blogging ‘lite’

August 30, 2010

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I’m currently smitten by the idea of blogging ‘lite’ – sort of like using tumblr or simply collaging various bits and pieces. To that end, tonight’s post falls into the “what I had for breakfast” category, except that it’s “what Fringe Festival play I saw tonight”: The […]

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

August 29, 2010

Creating Online Tools for Creatives (Technology Review: Videos) On Aviary, by Avi: QUOTE At his startup’s headquarters in New York, Avi Muchnick, a 2010 TR35 member, explains where the inspiration for his online multimedia editing suite, Aviary, came from, and how people can use it to share work. UNQUOTE tags: creativity mit_techreview video avi_muchnick Larry […]

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Nation of know-nothings: “intervention, now” time

August 28, 2010

Sometimes I think it would be great to have just a tumblr, a sort of Walter Benjamin 2.0 version of blogging (see Benjamin’s Arcades Project). But I can repurpose my blog to the same ends, I guess (quasi-surrealistically), and just post this one paragraph from Timothy Egan’s excellent column, Building a Nation of Know-Nothings: It […]

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August 26, 2010

The Victoria Fringe Festival is now underway and promises to deliver some fun theater. Early this evening I attended Theatre SKAM‘s production of Smalltown: A Pickup Musical, which was performed (as per the advert) out of the back of a pickup truck in a small pocket park on Caledonia Avenue. It’s a good piece, although […]

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Confused immune system?

August 25, 2010

I’m still reading Ray Strand‘s fascinating book, Bionutrition, and just came across Chapter 8’s closing paragraphs about diseases related to oxidative stress. I was really struck by Strand’s ideas about self and non-self in relation to our immune system. Let me elaborate:  Chapter 8’s final section addresses autoimmune diseases like MS, IBD, Crohn’s, and Rheumatoid […]

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When will Victoria get it?

August 24, 2010

Keith Norbury’s in-depth article on Victoria’s Inner Harbour ran in last Sunday’s paper (see Seeking a new vision for Victoria’s harbour), and I have the honor of being quoted in same: “I think the key word for the harbour is land use,” says Yule Heibel, an art historian who has a keen interest in urban […]

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