
August 23, 2010

I’m reading Ray Strand‘s book, Bionutrition (first published in 1998, revised edition 2009). I’m finding it to be a compelling read, even though I can hear cynical voices piping up to deride nutritional supplementation as unnecessary. The skeptics say you can get all the nutrients you need through your diet. But is that really true, […]

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

August 22, 2010

Bedbugs Aren’t Just Back, They’re Spreading : NPR Bedbugs! (Note: I’m not posting a picture; google images for the critters, ’nuff said!) QUOTE “I find all bugs mysterious, wonderful. These ones I tend to find a little bit despicable. But they’re fascinating in their own regard. “This business of feeding on other people — the […]

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Fuzzy animals and the “red in tooth and claw” set

August 21, 2010

It would be funny, if it didn’t have the potential for major cock-ups. Here in what we call Greater Victoria, we’ve been inundated by deer and (university) rabbits. And it seems it’s only a matter of time before natural predators move in. …Or maybe they already have? Joggers beware: Cougar spotted at Elk Lake (August […]

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Heat waves and ice

August 20, 2010

While the temperatures in my part of the world have plummeted (again), returning us to our usual sweater-weather-on-August-nights, world temperatures overall continue to rise. Here’s a map that shows “global land temperature anomalies for July 2010 from average July temperatures of 1951-1980 – Above-average temps are in red; below-average temps are in blue, while gray […]

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August 19, 2010

Night thoughts about exigency (something I have no time for). Exigency: An urgent situation …a situation requiring extreme effort or attention. Exigence: demand. Think child-rearing, perhaps? Think about having hardly any time for yourself, as you prepare yourself to be on constant alert, inbetween the moments that punctuate perpetual vigilance with pure delight? Is it […]

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Wisdom? Intact.

August 18, 2010

No blog post about anything much from me tonight: it’s a bit of wackamole time at my house. This morning I took the daughter (16) to the oral surgeon, and after paying over $1972.00, she had all four wisdom teeth extracted. While this was going on, I picked up the prescription the surgeon’s office had […]

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Cynicism, laughter, and not enough time

August 17, 2010

Davin Greenwell asked me, via comments, to elaborate on yesterday’s blog post, Cynical sex/uality – he posted his comment about an hour after I published my entry, but by then it was past 12:30am and I wasn’t going to stay up to answer. So, I thought about his question (“I thought about it, but I […]

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Cynical sex/uality

August 16, 2010

Interesting article in Macleans Magazine this week: Outraged moms, trashy daughters (How did those steeped in the women’s lib movement produce girls who think being a sex object is powerful?), by Anne Kingston. On beauty “standards”: “It’s worse than the 1950s,” says the mother of a 24-year-old, referring to the ubiquity of Photoshop and cosmetic […]

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

August 15, 2010

New Left Review – David Harvey: The Right to the City Essay by David Harvey on cities/ remaking the city. QUOTE The question of what kind of city we want cannot be divorced from that of what kind of social ties, relationship to nature, lifestyles, technologies and aesthetic values we desire. The right to the […]

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Joy divided

August 14, 2010

Today was one of those must-do days that provided no end (and not much of a means), just a glue to help fabricate the fiction of relation between yesterday, today, and maybe (just maybe) tomorrow. But we’re sure having nice weather for dancing, no matter who’s calling the tune – finally a heat wave in […]

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