July 18, 2010
Here’s a great old word: clapperclaw. We should all start using it again. Clapperclaw, vb., trans.: To claw or scratch with the open hand or nails; to beat, thrash, drub. Clapperclaw, as in: While I chopped the vegetables, my dog clapperclawed my leg to demand a piece of zucchini. It also means “to revile, abuse”… […]
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July 18, 2010
Gary Chang’s 24 Rooms in a 32sqm Apartment Self-explanatory title, but you have to watch the video for a full understanding: Gary Chang has custom-built furniture that allows him to change his space at will. tags: gary_chang apartments furniture hongkong Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex | Video on TED.com Fascinating talk by Matt Ridley […]
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