Follow-up thoughts on Change vs Development

April 16, 2010

Following up on my post from yesterday, Change vs Development: Is there a difference?, a couple of additional thoughts. To me, change implies a change of state, a switch from one thing to another. I can change the template of this blog, for example. That’s a minor, inconsequential change, but still a change. Development is […]

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Change vs Development: Is there a difference?

April 15, 2010

The way to make sure absolutely that all you ever get is utter crap change is to resist development at every turn: that’s almost guaranteed to deliver nasty surprises.

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Can artifice be truthful? (My Kraftwerk interlude)

April 14, 2010

I’m listening to a couple of Kraftwerk CDs that my son requested for his birthday: Die Menschmaschine and Trans Europa Express. There are a number of good links on Youtube for those who need a Kraftwerk refresher: Die Roboter (ignore the intro) and Das Modell, for example. When both Kraftwerk and I were younger and […]

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Fool’s gold

April 13, 2010

Creating a floor plan from memory triggers several insights about why and how I accumulate stuff in my life, and why subconscious behaviors continue to shape my present.

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Interruption: another word for clutter?

April 12, 2010

I’ve come to believe that another word for “interruptions” is clutter: A sort of mental clutter and time clutter that becomes a bad habit (“habit clutter”).

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

April 11, 2010

From Social Media to Social Strategy – Umair Haque – Harvard Business Review Umair Haque puts a deserved boot to typical (traditional?) social media, calling instead for meaning, organized around reconceptualized definitions of 1. Character; 2. Control; 3. Creativity; 4. Culture; 5. Clarity; 6. Cohesion; and 7. Choreography. Closing paragraph: QUOTE Social strategies are about […]

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Stop. Watch? Go? Wait!

April 10, 2010

For the last few days, I used a stopwatch to time some of my activities. In fact, my stopwatch looks exactly like the one in the photo: a promotional from Apple, I think. Here’s the thing: I realized that I’m too often in a rush (or actually late). I also recently read that people who […]

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The case for a brave new pillow

April 9, 2010

With Aldous Huxley’s satire in the back of my mind, sniggering, I stole 10 minutes this afternoon to alter and repair two pillowcases. A pair of king-sized cases, their corners had frayed because I let the pillow protector’s zipper-pull worry the same corners over and over, with predictable results. The plan (since last Monday) was […]

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Congestion is our friend

April 8, 2010

Gordon Price deconstructed “Motordom” during a recent presentation. One question especially continues to resonate, both in relation to sustainable transportation planning and to Victoria’s Johnson Street Bridge.

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Figuring out religion in God’s Brain: great interview with Lionel Tiger

April 7, 2010

Lionel Tiger’s new book, God’s Brain (coauthored with Michael McGuire) offers a scientific and anthropological explanation that finally makes sense of the religious impulse.

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