Follow up on commenting, and Facebook

March 27, 2010

Proliferating platforms for blog posts allow comments to go all over the map. What do you do when some comments on a public post end up in a walled garden (like Facebook)?

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Getting it up with coffee

March 26, 2010

Victoria BC’s Bean Around the World Cafe knows the value of getting it up (the Johnson Street Bridge, that is). Too bad city council and staff don’t keep it up anymore.

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Comment quality?

March 25, 2010

How do you fix the poor quality of online newspaper comments boards? Why are forum or blog post comments so much better? And does anonymity have much to do with it? (Hint: the answer is “no”!)

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City Hall sure likes to feather its staffing bed

March 24, 2010

The City of Victoria announces a new hire to head up its Engineering Department, and in passing we read that they’ve also hired a new director of internal audit and risk management. Say what?

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Trust Agents, one

March 22, 2010

Reading Chris Brogan and Julien Smith’s book, Trust Agents, helped me put a fresh insight about Millennials in place: Make your own game, the authors write, which describes a Gen Y characteristic that’s been bugging Baby Boomers for a while now. But the kids are all right.

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

March 21, 2010

A “rough unedited crib of the actual talk” of Danah Boyd’s “Making Sense of Privacy and Publicity,” which she delivered at March 2010 SXSW conference.

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March 20, 2010

After a week of keeping at bay a bug running through the family, I’m now either succumbing to its viral power …or else experiencing an especially bad case of hay fever. Pollen grains magnified: they look like toys for insects. .

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The future of publishing video

March 19, 2010

A video from DK Books UK about the future of publishing completely messes with viewer preconceptions about Gen Y …and presents a hopeful and clever message.

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Full-spectrum babes

March 18, 2010

Can a photo of a baby in a Hitler costume say anything valid about the nature of evil? In my response to Nina Maria Kleivan’s photos I argue it doesn’t, for it takes attention to context and circumstance, without which evil holds no power.

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28 seconds of reasons why I live here

March 17, 2010

Why I live here: 28-second video taken today, March 17 2010, from the cliff edge at the dogs off-leash area at Dallas Road, Victoria BC of a kite-surfer in the Juan de Fuca Strait.

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