Subversive Graphic

February 14, 2010

Oh, the power of images… I just saw this on a local forum: . Harsh, but funny. This graphic is effective, reminds me (in a way) of the missing cat poster, which also conveyed its message very economically. . . . UPDATE: Via Rob Randall, a pointer to PETA‘s adaptation: This one is brutal…

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

February 14, 2010

Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? — New York Magazine Excellent article by Sam Anderson, “The Human Shuffle,” about chatroulette. tags: chatroulette, socialmedia, socialtheory, sam_anderson, nymag JP Rangaswami: thoughts from Davos Part 3 – Telegraph JP Rangaswami on what’s good about the World Economic Forum at Davos. Excellent article, with […]

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Mr Softie is still missing, as is Democracy

February 11, 2010

A missing cat poster in Fairfield’s Cook Street Village makes a very funny and effective political statement.

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Another wave …of mirror neurons

February 10, 2010

Google Wave makes room for Google Buzz, with default settings at “public” (not “private”), a very wrong move by Google. Meanwhile, chatroulette is what the kids are on, and it makes Buzzing look like holding hands in the park. The threat of harm in the promise of contact is part of the package. Fascinating.

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Thinking about built form

February 8, 2010

An aerial view street view brings into clear relief the house I was born in – prompting some observations on urban density and what makes it appealing to me.

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

February 7, 2010

Potentially Amazing Technology: Is Spray-On Liquid Glass About to Make Everything Greener? : TreeHugger From PAM to GLAM (spray-on glass)? This sounds so odd you could write a sci-fi story about it: how the Age of Silicon is taking over! On the other hand, if it works and is safe, then the applications are intriguing […]

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Those imagined chthonic forces

February 6, 2010

From a description of a nightmare, a querying of the difference between scale and measure, and why losing the latter is not a good idea.

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February 3, 2010

Bill Bishop’s The Big Sort and Archie Bunker’s inability to avoid rubbing up against people explored as an issue of urban form and domestic architecture.

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A mystery dream…

February 1, 2010

A strange semi-waking dream amidst cacophonous caterwauling offers a mystery: why did the dog bark?

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

January 31, 2010

A quick guide to the maxims of new media | Mark Coddington Love this catalog/ summary by Mark Coddington. During my recent bout of civic activism with the JohsonStreetBridge.ORG awareness initiative campaign I helped found last July, a huge chunk of my unhappiness and subsequent (still, alas, enduring) depression stemmed from the fact that for […]

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