The Earth has many axes

by Yule Heibel on March 8, 2004

Woo!, the internet is so cool…. To flesh out a comment to yesterday’s post on recycling, I was noodling around for a reference to February’s Harper’s Magazine article by Richard Manning, “The Oil We Eat; Following the Food Chain Back to Iraq,” a tremendously important article — really, all self-defacing acronyms (IMHO) aside. Although Harper’s isn’t online, I did find a comments thread on a site called Ish*Con, very interesting stuff (and here’s the link to that comments thread), from whence I came to the webpages of Derrick Jensen, who writes provocative environmental philosophy, apparently while situated in the depths of the Pacific Northwest. I don’t know about anyone else, but that’s what I stay in it for, the links to new places, even if they’re just new to me. And who cares if no one in Boston or San Francisco (the A-list neighbourhoods) has heard of them. We bloody well are nobody, and we hear. Sometimes we even bloody well talk. Go, decentralisation!


brian moffatt March 9, 2004 at 12:13 pm
Anonymous March 9, 2004 at 1:05 pm

yep. blogging is people talking to people. some are self-important, some aren’t.

Anonymous March 9, 2004 at 1:08 pm

or, put another way, the earth has many axes, but you should still try not to grind yours.

Dave Pollard March 10, 2004 at 11:28 pm

Yule, I’d especially recommend Derrick’s “A Language Older Than Words”, an amazing (but grueling) read. I belong to his online forum, though it’s quite bleak. Derrick’s supporters are more radical than Daniel Quinn’s (Quinn wrote Ishmael, after which Ish*Con is named). If you join the Ish*Con group, look me up, I’m there too 🙂 As for Manning’s “The Oil We Eat” I was ordered to take it off my site by Harper’s, but notice it’s turned up on the Portland Indy Media site.

Yule Heibel March 11, 2004 at 1:42 am

I thought I had seen it on your site, Dave (and that must be why I bought the magazine), but then I didn’t find it again. So Harper’s told you to remove it? Ow. Thanks for the link to Portland’s IndyMedia site — someone on Ish*Con’s comments thread had a link to a bootlegged PDF copy, but it’s a very fuzzy photocopied thing, hard to read, and the Portland link is so much better.

Well, more stuff for the “to do” list: check out what’s happening on Ish*Con, read Jensen, go to Portland IndyMedia, ….

You know, with so many smart, alternative people out there, how come the world is still being run into the ground? How come? Like, can I wave a magic wand just once and make Briony Penn the premier of BC? Someone really smart, instead of this convicted drunk driver named Campbell, who is, in sad reality, actually our premier?

Elaine of Kalilily March 12, 2004 at 11:40 am

I’m with you on ignoring imposed blogging hierarchy. And Portland IndyMedia is a great site. I know about it from my son, who’s a avid “citizen journalist” in that city. (

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