I use a really great service called Diigo, which has many features I’ve left unexplored. I’ll try to remedy that by installing the “Daily blog post” tool, which (as I understand it) uploads my public Diigo bookmarks once a day to this site (the vast majority of my bookmarks are private, but I’ll try to remember to keep some of them public…).
We’ll know soon if it works!
update: I might have to change my settings for this “Daily blog post” tool (if it even works for my blog, which has been known to have limitations — and not just the kind deriving from its author!). Currently, the tool is set to blog not just the article link itself, but also all my underlining/ highlighting within the article, plus my commentary (the “stickies”). As I sometimes get carried away with underlining and/ or adding comments, this could make for some damn long posts that could get tedious fast. But I’ll wait and see, and decide once a bookmark actually get uploaded automatically.