Lettering Grows in Brooklyn: Voice: AIGA Journal of Design: Writing: AIGA Annotated
tags: brooklyn, design, lettering, place_making, reference, typeface
– fascinating project about documenting various typefaces in Brooklyn
It’s time to overhaul copyright law | Technology | guardian.co.uk Annotated
tags: copyfight, copyright, cory_doctorow, law, socialjustice
Excellent points by Cory Doctorow on how “folk” copyright usage get eroded (sodded, more like) by corporate copyright law, and why that doesn’t make sense: it’s “a genuinely radical idea: [that] individuals should hire lawyers to negotiate their personal use of cultural material, or at least refrain from sharing their cultural activities with others (except it’s not’s really culture if you’re not sharing it, is it?). It’s also a dumb idea. People aren’t going to hire lawyers to bless the singalong or Timmy’s comic book. They’re also not going to stop doing culture.”
my dad’s architecture photos – a photoset on Flickr
tags: architecture, brutalism, built_environment, flickr, photo_gallery, reference
A fascinating collection of grim-looking buildings, captured mostly in black & white, exemplifying the brutalist style of architecture. They were taken in the late 60s, early 70s, by someone studying to be an architect. Just the other day I re-read somewhere that loss breeds resentment, and one wonders how seethingly full of resentment society must have been to allow these structures, which show nothing but contempt for the people who inhabit or visit or circulate around them, to be built. Were they a misdirected expression of loss? You really have to wonder…
Creating better McJobs gives food for thought (Toronto Star) Annotated
tags: employment, mcjobs, richard_florida, service_sector, service_summit, toronto
Suggestion by Richard Florida: that we need to figure out how to make “McJobs” have dignity (and wages that one can live on); for several reasons: service is biggest job growth sector; service allows flexibility for “creatives” to work in one industry (for pay) while pursuing their vocation (where pay is unstable or minimal). In other words, if service sector jobs have more dignity and better wages and more respect, and are seen as a viable alternative (short-term, long-term) for employment, they can contribute to a climate of creativity, too.