My February FOCUS Magazine article has been in print since the end of January, but I haven’t yet posted it as a PDF (above, see masthead). It’s just one of several “loops” I need to close — somehow that GTD thing doesn’t always work for me…
Another potential technical glitch is that my Harvard server hosts allow a limited amount of space for uploads. I’ve exhausted the majority of it with my articles so far, and might need to look for an alternative soon.
On another housekeeping note, I do leave comments from time to time on other blogs (example: this one) — and it didn’t occur to me until today that I should bookmark those posts (using Diigo), so that they appear in my “links”-tagged entries here. D’oh. In addition, I added the category “comments,” so that if a bunch of them eventually fill this blog, there’ll be a handy handle for finding them again. Breadcrumbs.
G. T. D.
G. T. D.
Repeat after me: getting things done. Not always easy.
Finally, I spent an hour or so looking for photos of shop windows designed by Naomi Yamamoto (for Shiseido). Couldn’t find any though, but did get lost on Flickr. Not enough breadcrumbs to find my way back… I did find this beautiful set called The Sublime Color of Northern Italy, by JMichaelSullivan. Beautiful.
I’m looking for brilliant shop window photos because I’m reading a spectacularly clever book by Mary Portas, Windows; The Art of Retail Display. Portas includes many photos of window displays by Yamamoto — I want to write a short article about this, perhaps for Vibrant Victoria‘s front page. We could really use some of Portas’s savvy insights in Victoria. A taste in closing:
Your TV show Mary, Queen of Shops is about you saving the high street, one shop at a time. Does it really need saving?
What it does need saving from is becoming the same high street, town after town after town. We have some of the best fashion high-street shopping in the world, and we have some of the worst, and my big concern is that we are becoming a nation that doesn’t know what really superb fashion shopping is about. The codes of supermarket retailing have come onto our fashion high street, as opposed to the codes of fashion retailing going into the supermarkets.
I like the idea of “the high street” as opposed to any other street, or all the same streets. Difference is good.