Tear down a viaduct, and then the wars really begin – Crosscut Seattle – Annotated
tags: crosscut, redevelopment, san_francisco, seattle, urban_renewal, viaduct
LOL, this sounds like Victoria, BC, too…
» The Hidden Jewel of Hull • Spacing Toronto • understanding the urban landscape Annotated
tags: spacing.ca, surface_parking_lots, toronto, urban_design, urban_renewal
Interview with Marc Dube, “owner of most of the parking lots in downtown Hull.” Parking lots are lucrative, as Dube’s start in the business illustrates: “In the mid 1980s, Dubé and two others planned to open a restaurant in downtown Hull. The financing fell through after they had already signed the lease on a building. Dubé realized an alternate source of income: he could demolish the building and put in a parking lot. Since his partners weren’t interested, he began the business on his own.” Read on from there.
Hitting close to home on affordability – Crosscut Seattle – Annotated
tags: affordability, affordable_housing, crosscut, knute_berger, seattle
Great article by Crosscut’s Knute Berger on affordability/ housing costs in Seattle, with much to be gleaned for us (BC, Southern Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland), too. “You can blame many factors for the high cost of housing in Seattle, from growth management to infrastructure expansion. But we often overlook another reason: personal taste.”