Aside from posting to Twitter (where there’s a certain art to making posts that stay under 160 characters in length — microblogging as haiku on steroids?), I also add frequently to my Diigo account, which you can see here. When I have time, I annotate my bookmarks extensively, so there’s actually something to read.
It’s way better than, in my opinion.
Sometimes I bookmark items because they spark enough to make me comment at length (as Doc Searls’s April 19/08 article, Understanding Infrastructure, did), or else it’s part of my current effort to immerse in urbanism-related issues (if that’s of interest, please take a look at CEOs for Cities clip, Chicago’s Green Dividend: totally fascinating). And sometimes it’s — urgh! — nostalgia, as triggered for example by this Better Bad News clip. Ha, innocent days, when whether or not “embedding” a brand name could be considered selling out… Man, we were all such schmucks…