Inga Saffron’s Philadelphia Inquirer column about a recent speech by Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter includes this great sound bite from the mayor:
“We are a walkable city, increasingly home to bicycles,” Nutter declared. “We want to preserve our urban form. We do not want the automobile and its design requirements to dominate the landscape.” [emphasis added] See: Nutter speech inspires city planners.
Bingo. Do it in Philadelphia and in all cities.
Video of Mayor Nutter addressing Philadelphia’s Planning Commission, June 18/08.
It would be nice if more of our local politicians spoke favourably about bicycles more often. I’m sure there are local Councillors whose last experience on a bicycle pre-dated the invention of the inner-tube. Councillor Geoff Young is a hard-core bike commuter. The others I haven’t seen in proximity to a bike outside a photo-op.
I like what Mayor Nutter says. Incidentally, Paul McCartney’s suit seen on the cover of Abbey Road was made by Tommy Nutter. I think Victoria could use more Nutters.
Ah well, if Mr. Peanut could run for mayor of Vancouver in the 70s, maybe there’s hope yet. Of course, 30 years later, we’ve gone from ingestible nuts for municipal leadership to what comes out the other end/ Mr. Floatie. Times have changed, but it’s still all connected by one big conduit…
Didn’t know that about Paul McCartney’s suit…
And yes, Geoff is a good cyclist. Can’t imagine some of those others on a bike…
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