For years I’ve been using Diigo, another third-party service (and a very good one), to gather links to interesting articles. They would then get published to my Berkman blog once a week as the Sunday Links Post. But the other week I noticed that something wasn’t working, and consequently nothing got bookmarked. I missed that Sunday’s entry. (I’ve missed other Sunday entries, but those were on purpose. This one wasn’t.) It made me think about how Boris Mann is on the right track when he controls his links directly, via his blog. (See his comment on my blog post here.)
That “fail” with the Sunday links post seems to me part of the conversation about keeping stuff on your own site(s).
Oddly, most of the conversation sparked by my Feb. 20 post happened on Facebook.
So I took all those words and re-posted them to my blog. Check it out – and you don’t even have to log in to FB…