Letting others colonize the imaginary you is not a good idea…

July 29, 2007

This is pretty hilarious, but somehow pathetic, too… Those of you who’ve been to Epcot Center in Florida know the set-up: tourists visit “national” pavilions where they are bombarded by various cliches or story-book ideas about the country. Some pavilions are more high-brow than others, stocked with political information, and others are …less “serious,” if […]

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Got blank page?

July 28, 2007

As anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows, I’m not especially adventurous when it comes to changing its “skin.” This isn’t because of a special sense of attachment I feel for whatever template I’m using — I just fall into a rut, and I don’t have the confidence to customize. […]

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July 24, 2007

Japan Highway is a terrifying, nearly 13-minute long, video on YouTube, which then gets really scary about 4 1/2 minutes in. And doesn’t let up. Whatever you do, DON’T WATCH THIS.

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Yann Martel, bearing great gifts — Is Stephen Harper reading?

July 23, 2007

Arts News Canada carried an article from Halifax’s Daily News today: Author plays professor to prime minister, one book at a time: One of Canada’s most popular authors is taking a decidedly novel approach in his efforts to encourage appreciation of the arts – he’s started a website to help expand Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s […]

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Arts News Canada: Most Valued Resource

July 21, 2007

Just a big shout-out today to Marianne Lepa, who edits and publishes Arts News Canada every weekday, and thereby provides a hugely valuable resource for the arts in this country. Not only does she pull together all the relevant bits from what seems like just about every news source in Canada, but she sorts each […]

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So “fast,” I’m nearly invisible

July 18, 2007

Really important update — scroll down… I have been so fast, I’m nearly invisible, which is not as it should be! Perhaps I should make sure that I’m at least leaving tracks — digital footprints, like tea leaves or entrails… First, a quick personal update for everyone who sorta-kinda heard that I might be moving […]

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Not TV

June 30, 2007

For something a bit less predictable than TV, but pleasurable in an eye-candy sort of way, 3 links to visuals that might intrigue you: For the designers, via Cool Hunting, there’s wind to light, an installation that “illustrates alternative energy sources in the form of a cloud of LEDs. Mini wind turbines power the lights […]

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Soul-Crushing Stalinesque Architecture? Memory Trip, New Hip, & Heritage

June 29, 2007

For anyone who was certain that all those super-ugly”commie blocks,” built in East Berlin during the height of the German Democratic Republic’s most intense enthrallment to Stalin, would get the chop after the Wall came down, here’s an explanation for why they’re staying: Warum “die Kultbauten am Alexanderplatz” nicht abgerissen werden. It’s a short (under […]

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Social class on social networks: and style?

June 27, 2007

danah boyd has a new article out called Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace, which everybody seems to be reading (and, looking at her blog, commenting on — two hundred comments and counting…) Basic thesis: facebook attracts more upwardly mobile college-bound types, while MySpace attracts non-college-bound, possibly declasse or lower-class or outcast-type kids. […]

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Yoo-hoo! Mark Zuckerberg, can you see my face(book)?

June 23, 2007

I registered my Facebook account on September 8, 2006, admittedly spurred by the fact that it was developed by a smart young guy at Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg. (Ok, so by September 2006 Mark had long dropped out of Harvard! Nonetheless, that old school loyalty worked its magic…) I was part of the “Harvard network,” but […]

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