Psychics read your dog’s mind at Victoria’s “Pup ‘n Cup”

November 10, 2006

I first read about Pup ‘n Cup around the time they opened: they put leaflets on many edge-of-downtown telephone poles …at dog-eye level. What was advertised was a cafe for people and dogs, but alas, the scheme immediately ran into trouble with the local health authority. As a result, Pup ‘n Cup also immediately became […]

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Winter will come soon enough

October 25, 2006

As though it were yesterday, I remember the time my dissertation advisor, during one of his undergraduate course lectures, quoted Charles Baudelaire’s The Eyes of the Poor. At the time, I was his graduate teaching assistant, sitting in one of the Sackler Auditorium‘s last rows — his courses were popular, so he got the biggest […]

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All Eyes

October 22, 2006

Imagine Jane Jacobs in the late 1950s, early 1960s, pleading the case for Boston’s Little Italy — or perhaps New York’s Lower East Side — with The American Look (subtitled: “A Tribute to the Men and Women, Who Design”) from the year 1958 arrayed against her. Arrayed? What am I saying? That presupposes an arrangement. […]

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October 1, 2006

I decided to renew my “paid” account at flickr again. Now all my old photos are back, and I uploaded some new ones. It was geotagging that snared me in again…! And flickr is really useful for some new projects I’m working on… But I’m still “badge-challenged.” Hence just a little truncated version: Yule’s […]

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Heritage security

September 28, 2006

Many weeks, months, years behind the times, I only now learned (via an article in the local paper) about the t-shirt (for sale at Cafepress) bearing a photo of Apache chief Geronimo and three other chiefs, posing armed, during their struggle against the US and Mexican armies. The caption says, “Homeland security — Fighting Terrorism […]

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Meandering in space

September 26, 2006

Lost? I just logged on to my writely account, and found that the vast majority of my documents are gone… Very disappointing. It seems the service had some kind of massive consolidation / switch-over with email addresses, and in the process managed to lose lots of data. At least that’s what it looks like from […]

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Lines for crossing, points of discussion

September 16, 2006

My wiki finally benefitted from a modicum of attention, albeit administered in such sporadic bursts as to go almost unnoticed. As I haphazardly noted on September 9, I added an entry called Addendum to Victoria History in a Nutshell: Victoria’s Future?, which was a response to a prior essay (Victoria History in a nutshell, by […]

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Wiki post added

September 6, 2006

I just added a subpage on my wiki that spins out my thoughts on the economic possibilities for Victoria — if only we had more people… Still haven’t done some of the other “housekeeping,” though! My bad…

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Remember “Epic”?

September 2, 2006

Some years ago, Dean Landsman sent an email to Entropy Gradient Reversal subscribers (a list I was actually deleted from a while back — I’ll have you know this takes some doing…), the gist of which had been to point us to an amazing flash movie called Epic 2014 by Robin Sloan and Matt Thompson, […]

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“My” celebrity collage…

August 30, 2006

Lately, in every photo, I look like …well, some sort of really tired person, which hasn’t done a heck of a lot to make me feel better (or less tired). It’s this blasted thing called middle age, I guess, and I’m beginning to gather that all the droning hype that you’re not getting older, you’re […]

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