Blogging as gleaning?

April 26, 2010

My aching back suggests that blogging is like gleaning: it keeps me (intellectually) alive, but is generally thankless and often backbreaking. But the analogy is as artificial as a 19th century Salon painting.

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

April 25, 2010

Phil Windley’s Technometria | Kathy Sierra: Storyboarding for Non-Fiction Phil Windley’s entry on Kathy Sierra’s storyboarding techniques for non-fiction. tags: phil_windley, kathy_sierra, storymaps, storyboards Creating Passionate Users: How to create a non-fiction bestseller Kathy Sierra on non-fiction writing (and bestsellers). tags: kathy_sierra, writing, bestsellers, nonfiction Creating Passionate Users: Add graphics to your blog, book, or […]

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Public spaces in lush lands

April 24, 2010

I live in a ridiculously lush part of the world, and I’m not talking about the Canadian propensity to drink alcoholic beverages. In Victoria BC, on southern Vancouver Island, it’s green year ’round. By February, people are mowing their lawns. By mid-summer, the climate turns nearly Mediterranean (after a winter and long spring of cool, […]

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Waste stream philia

April 23, 2010

I had an opportunity to tour the Canadian Forces Base in Esquimalt today. It’s a two-hour 3-kilometer walking tour, full of history and heritage (one part of the base is from the late 19th/ early 20th century, featuring fully intact, carefully rehabbed brick buildings) and new initiatives (they’re finishing a building which will be the […]

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Victoria’s Johnson Street Bridge scandal just keeps going

April 22, 2010

Mike Lai (City of Victoria) and Mark Mulvihill (Delcan Corp.) tried to skew the facts against the historic Johnson Street Bridge, as Sam Williams shows in the latest issue of FOCUS Magazine.

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April 21, 2010

Pulchraphilia, a new word coined by Jason McLennan, makes the case for designing green and sustainable buildings with beauty in mind. This makes environmental stewardship easier, for humans are hard-wired to love beauty.

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Creating Value Through Sustainability

April 20, 2010

“You measure what matters, and what gets measured, gets done.” That’s how Eric Hespenheide put it at this afternoon’s MIT Enterprise Forum event, live-streamed at UVic. …And I have to admit I felt a deep admiration for – perhaps jealousy of? – numbers crunchers who can make this real. Me? I’d probably get too absorbed […]

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Wishing local government had an opposable mind

April 19, 2010

Reading Roger Martin’s The Opposable Mind makes me wonder when local governments will bid conventional thinking good-bye and awaken instead to the possibilities of integrative thinking.

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The Sunday Diigo Links Post (weekly)

April 18, 2010

Bridging Ecological Research and Urban Design | Useful site with upcoming and archived webcasts; this is the section on Architecture, Construction, and Engineering. tags: research, design, brighttalk, webcasts, video, reference, architecture, urban_design, ecological_urbanism Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat I had no idea a Council on Tall Buildings existed! QUOTE The Council on […]

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What makes me nervous

April 17, 2010

Two kids fashion a raft from beach detritus and paddle out into the Juan de Fuca Strait. Derring-do, foolishness, or adventure?

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