January 29, 2008
Lettering Grows in Brooklyn: Voice: AIGA Journal of Design: Writing: AIGA Annotated tags: brooklyn, design, lettering, place_making, reference, typeface – fascinating project about documenting various typefaces in Brooklyn It’s time to overhaul copyright law | Technology | guardian.co.uk Annotated tags: copyfight, copyright, cory_doctorow, law, socialjustice Excellent points by Cory Doctorow on how “folk” copyright usage […]
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January 28, 2008
Boogie: Bleak Street Lifes (PingMag – The Tokyo-based magazine about “Design and Making Things”) Annotated tags: boogie, brooklyn, drug_addiction, gangs, interview, nyc, photography, ping_mag, street_life Interview with “Serbian photographer Boogie [who] grew up in the war-torn region of former Yugoslavia, documenting protests and the disturbing portraits of skinheads. After moving from Belgrade to Brooklyn in […]
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