Diigo Bookmarks 05/03/2008 (p.m.)

May 3, 2008

How do we fund journalism in future? | Greenslade | Guardian Unlimited – Annotated Roy Greenslade reporting from a “future of journalism” conference in Australia, asking after ‘the business model’ for newspapers / journalism of the future. He mentions Jay Rosen, who joined the conference via satellite hook-up, and this in turn sparks some interesting […]

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Diigo Bookmarks 05/02/2008 (p.m.)

May 2, 2008

The House That Twitters Its Energy Use, by Katie Fehrenbach « Earth2Tech Among other things: “The Twitter stream is an exercise in using the data from home automation feeds, and the hope is that, by making energy usage data transparent and easy to digest, it will change consumer behavior and reduce energy consumption.” As I […]

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Diigo Bookmarks 05/01/2008 (p.m.)

May 1, 2008

In Defense of Townhouses — Sightline Daily (formerly Tidepool) – great article by Eric de Place on why so many new TH developments are so ugly. As his lede says, “How parking laws make housing expensive. And ugly.” tags: sightline_daily, seattle, urban_design, urbanplanning, cars, parking, architecture

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More notes on Brandon Rosario, school reaction, and media fall-out

April 27, 2008

Doc Searls added to the threads on Brandon Rosario’s performance with the wonderfully titled entry, Think softly and punish a big schtick. We know where the soft thinking is… Doc found a bonus link, Meet Brandon Rosario by Red Tory, a local blogger I hadn’t seen before. (His profile picture is of Francis Urquhart, or […]

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File under: Shameless reposting of a locally reported story

April 24, 2008

An article in our local paper just caught my eye: Belmont student’s edgy speech sparks complaints, by Louise Dickson. Now we all know that the official paper never does what the bloggers do (ow!, where’s my tongue? heck, I think I dislodged it!), and naturally all headlines are to be taken at face value …sure. […]

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Follow me on Diigo, too

April 24, 2008

Aside from posting to Twitter (where there’s a certain art to making posts that stay under 160 characters in length — microblogging as haiku on steroids?), I also add frequently to my Diigo account, which you can see here.  When I have time, I annotate my bookmarks extensively, so there’s actually something to read. It’s […]

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Follow me on Twitter

April 23, 2008

In the event that I do have some readers out there, just a heads-up that I’ll be very busy in the next little while, and therefore not able to write to this blog as often as I’d like …but: you can follow me on Twitter! Yup, I have a Twitter account and find that I […]

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Suburbs, food deserts, and old-fashioned delivery trucks

April 21, 2008

As it happened, Christopher Hume’s follow-up story today in the Toronto Star on the Leslieville big-box debacle, Wal-Mart and the city an uneasy mix (which I blogged about here), made some points that coincided nicely with a story by Shannon Proudfoot, which appeared in yesterday’s Province (Vancouver), about food deserts in cities: Suburbs cause ‘food […]

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Reading Fred Wilson on the hyperlocal

April 19, 2008

I started reading Fred Wilson back in January when one of outside.in’s blog posts referenced Wilson’s entry, Rethinking The Local Paper. Wilson is a NYC-based venture capitalist/ investor who funds start-ups related to new media, social networking, online technologies, …that sort of thing. He’s also quite brilliant, blogs (A VC – Musings of a VC […]

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“Creepy treehouse”

April 18, 2008

I think the phrase “creepy treehouse” needs more traction, which is why I’m blogging it. Read about it on Flexknowlogy.  Here’s a brief excerpt, but you must click through and read the whole entry by Jared Stein.  It’s excellent! creepy treehouse see also creepy treehouse effect n. A place, physical or virtual (e.g. online), built […]

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